Project identification
The EOF's stakeholders such as municipalities, relevant provincial government departments and Tribal Authority where applicable are invited to recommend or refer prospective applicants to apply for funding. EOF also receives applications from projects that have heard about the organisation from previously funded projects.
Projects are assessed for viability prior to approval. Once approved projects and committee members are inducted on project operational matters including the monitoring and evaluation methods.
Non Profit Organisation certificate
Financial Statements
Land ownership documentation
Letters of support from other NGO's, CBO's, FBO's, municipal or Tribal Authority
Minutes of previous committee meetings
Infrastructure projects
Approved Building Plans
Quantified builders quotation
Copy of builders registration (ck) certificate
Copy of builders Tax Clearance Certificate.
Must be community based / participatory
Capacity Building
The services of Training providers is outsourced. Only accredited training providers are utilised to provide relevant skills, project management and financial management training.
The project proposal and or business plan should indicate how community members would benefit from jobs that will be created for community members by the implementation of the project.
Budget limit
The EOF has for the past 6 years set the budget limit for all projects at R90 000 00. The organisation is aware that this has caused constraints and a limitation especially on infrastructure projects as the costs of building materials escalates often. However, the idea behind the limit is to ensure that funds are spread across all provinces and cover all sectors that EOF funds.